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Concluding the Southeast Asia study with exploration of Angkor Wat Temple

Jan 13th, 2024

Students concluded their journey at Angkor Wat Temple in Siem Reap, Cambodia. It proved to be a day of profound learning about the Khmer Empire, its art and architecture, the fusion of Hinduism and Buddhism, and the rediscovery of hidden treasures in the woods after centuries. The day included visits to Angkor Thom, Bayon Temple, the Shiva Temple, and palace areas destroyed by Thai invasion in the 14th century, along with the centuries-old Ta Prohm. Students dedicated an entire day to observing the monumental Angkor Wat temple, studying the Mahabharata carvings on its walls, and spending quiet moments in the core of Angkor Wat Temple. They also encountered a functional thousand-year-old bridge on the way. Beyond these explorations, activities such as witnessing the Apsara dance, quiet contemplation by the Mekong River, strolling along the footpaths of Phnom Penh, and exploring the night market enriched their overall experiences.

Concluding the Southeast Asia study with exploration of Angkor Wat Temple image