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Learning at NMS

Learning to Learn "Learning to learn" at our NMS refers to the process of developing the ability to continuously and effectively acquire knowledge and skills throughout the student’s life. This means having the capacity to learn on one's own and the ability to transfer knowledge and skills from one situation to another. The goal of learning to learn is to help individuals become self-directed learners who can continuously adapt and grow throughout their lives.

At New Millennium School, we believe that education is a lifelong journey, and we aim to equip our students with the skills and habits to continue learning throughout their lives. The focus of our SOLP programs is "learning to learn," which involves developing strong learning skills, fostering a love of knowledge, and encouraging independent thinking.

Our well-structured curriculum is designed to stimulate curiosity, build a love of learning, and cultivate positive attitudes toward education. Our classrooms foster an environment of inquiry and reflection, where students are encouraged to challenge themselves, engage in discussions, and utilize educational resources to inspire independent thinking and push the boundaries of their abilities. At New Millennium School, we foster meaningful learning experiences, which is why our highly trained teachers aim for students to not just memorize facts and formulas, but to truly grasp the concepts and make connections between different pieces of knowledge. The goal is to foster a sense of originality and help students develop a well-rounded, fully educated personality.

Making the Most of Talent: NMS recognizes every individual's uniqueness towards the learning process and the need for each individual to be identified and fostered individually. We encourage creative and critical learning and making maximum use of potential. The school has created such a learning climate in which students easily sharpen their skills and abilities. This, in turn, empowers the students to have an access to their innermost capabilities leading to Outstanding Learning Performance. Each of our students gets opportunities to learn and experiment according to their interests and styles. We provide professional guidance from qualified, experienced teachers who use procedures with appropriate pedagogies that broaden the student's horizons and enable them to reflect upon what they have learned and hope to achieve.

Inquiry: This forms the centerpiece of the whole SOLP program. It features structured inquiry both into established bodies of knowledge and into complex problems. In this approach, prior knowledge and experience establish the basis for new learning, and students' own curiosity provides the most effective motivation for learning that is engaging, relevant, challenging, and significant. SOLP directs students to meaningful scaffolding through the constructivist approach. Reflection: As NMS education fosters creativity and imagination through the learner profile, it offers students opportunities for considering the nature of human thought and for developing the skills and commitments necessary not only to remember but also to analyze one's own thinking and effort.